Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My top 10 New year's Health Resolution for 2010

1 more day and 2009 will be in history, We welcome the new year 2010. and leave all the bad news from 2009 and cherish the good times from 2009. I have my list of New year resolution, but I also have my new year's health resolution. Here are the top 10 health resolution I have listed:

  1. Getting back on my Healthy Diet = And lose some weight, because of too many celebrations this past holiday month and if there's celebration there are delicious food (sometimes are unhealthy), that we can't resist. That's why this holiday month, I have some problems on my Healthy diet, Because of that I gain some weight. I can't seems to follow mt diet. So I promise my self that after all this celebrations. I will be back on my healthy diet.
  2. Getting back on my exercise routine = Because of the holidays (celebrations, parties) like my diet, I sometimes skip my exercise routine, I miss biking, running, the only exercise I do this holiday season is walking because of shopping for gifts. So exercise is still on my new year's health resolution.
  3. Eliminate or reduce stress = In this modern day life, everyone more often experience a stressful life. Stress can lead to hypertension, poor digestion, a weakened immune system and many other conditions. Thus everyone needs to de-stress. I promise myself to spend some more time with my family and friends or trying new things or hobbies. Take a break if the stress is too hard to handle.
  4. Get an 8 hour sleep = yeah I think this past year I really don't have an 8 hour sleep, poor me. so I promise myself to be more organized in terms of managing my time so I can have a 8 hour sleep. Because sleep deprivation cause me a lot of stress.
  5. Drink only water and herbal teas= this past year I already try this drink only water thing, and avoid soda's I'll just continue the water therapy and add some herbal teas on my drinks.
  6. Increase my health awareness= for me to achieve a happy and healthy life, by knowing about many aspects of health can go a long way.By knowing about common health problems, their symptoms and prevention techniques, along with things like important vitamins and minerals, proper skin care and correct posture, will allow me and my family to prevent many diseases from this coming new year.
  7. Have a Regular Medical Check-up = This is one of the most ignored aspects of a healthy lifestyle, specially in my family we don't really have a regular medical check-up. So I promise myself that this coming year I'll try to tell my family to have a regular check-up and screen for potential health ailments, after all, prevention is better than cure. Because health should not be avoided and a visit to the doctor should not be taken for granted.
  8. Have a Healthy skin = that's clean, clear and smooth is our best beauty accessory. A glow cannot be fake. The next is a healthy set of teeth and fresh breath.
  9. Take some Vitamins regularly = Taking vitamins is the one thing I really didn't so this past year and I' regret it. Vitamins can really give me a huge advantage against flu's, viruses ailments and stress, specially this coming new year.
  10. Smile often = A smile can really make a difference.
Have a Happy Healthy New Year to All of Us.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Why we should cover our mouth when sneezing?

Here are some slow motion pictures of why we shouldn't sneeze on public places!

Sneezing, or "sternutation" as it's also called, is your body's way of removing foreign matter from your nose and throat. There are other causes of sneezing, and a lot more to this seemingly simple act than you can imagine.

Sneezing isn't normally a sign that something serious is wrong with your body. It's commonly caused by allergies, irritants such as dust or smoke, using nasal sprays, drug withdrawal, and foreign objects in your nose.

Sneezing is a very big deal in terms of spreading virus, that's why we should cover our mouth when sneezing, or if we can, avoid sneezing in crowded places, to prevent others from being infected.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Healthy Holidays Tips

This month there are many things we have to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New year. So many holidays and celebration and if there is a celebration we all know there always be food, lots of food, and sometimes we can't help it but to taste and eat all of it even if were on a diet, sometimes we even talk to ourselves saying "Oh my what about my diet" who doesn't love to eat right? especially when everybody is enjoying eating and having fun. But of course sometimes we tend to forget our diet, counting calories, food portions. etc. I'm sometimes guilty of this too.

Here are some tips that hope to help you lose some holiday weight gain:
  • Moderate Sugar Christmas Consumption = Like cake, ice cream, chocolates, etc.Too much sugar lowers our immune system's ability to keep us healthy. Having just one small treat a day, and Santa (he might) agrees. Mom's preparing the food can re-think their menus and find ways to include more seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • Beware of too much Cola or sweet drinks = Beverages specially soft drink are a big part of holiday celebrations, but limit sugary drinks to special treats. If your really thirsty drink plain water, or herbal teas. This holiday season Tea is in and Soda is out.
  • Take the gift of Vitamins = Start your day the Santa way, with an all-natural, dye- and preservative-free daily multivitamin to get all the essential nutrients you may not get through diet alone.
  • Have a Natural Holiday = Some of us understand the healing power of nature and how remedies from plants can boost our immune system. Look for plant-based natural remedies with a proven track record for safety, effectiveness, and no harmful side effects.
  • Holiday is no excuse for Exercise = Exercise have a great role to our immune system. Go out and run and loose those holiday fats. Fresh air is great too.
  • Stay Relax = Stay calm always, relaxation means three words " peace of mind"
  • Moisturize the Air in Your Home = Run a vaporizer or humidifier in your room at night, or take a steamy shower. Santa will appreciate the nice moist air when he stops by with his big bag of gifts.
  • Get a Holiday Rest = As the days get shorter and the nights longer, we all need more sleep. Children, should aim for at least 8 to 10 hours of quality sleep each night. Santa sees you when you're sleeping, and knows when you're awake... ;)
  • Practice Healthy Holiday Habits. The holidays are a time for sharing, but not the things we use everyday in our home like cups, plates, silverware, food or drinks. We should wipe down surfaces of plates, cups often and plenty of hand sanitizers and wipes. Remember the key to a healthy body is by washing our hands first.
This holiday season maybe taste and eat what you like but all in moderation, don't over eat. Happy Holidays Everyone!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Food Serving Sizes from The Food Pyramid

I really love to eat, and I've known so many people who really do love eating. But some of us sometimes forget or really don't know what are the right serving size of food we should eat daily. We just eat and eat what we like without knowing that everything too much is bad specially
to our health. The food pyramid shows how much food we should eat or consume from each of the food groups each day. Yes there is a certain amount of chicken, rice, fruits, vegetables, milk, etc.. that we should eat each day. It depends also on our age, gender,physical condition, and activity level. Everyone should have at least the minimum number of servings from each food group daily. Many men, women, teenagers, and older children need more. The number of servings from each food group may sound like a lot, but it really is not, One serving is not the same as one helping.

Here are the right serving sizes from the Food groups, lets start with:

A serving of Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta is

  • 1 slice of bread
  • 1/2 cup of hot cereal
  • 1 cup dry cereal
  • 1 6-inch tortilla
  • 1/2 cup rice or pasta

A serving of Fruits is

  • 1 medium fruit
  • 1/2 grapefruit
  • 3/4 cup juice
  • 1/2 cup cut-up fruit, berries, or canned, cooked, or frozen fruit
  • 1/4 cup dried fruit

A serving of Vegetables is

  • 1/2 cup cooked vegetables
  • 1 cup raw, leafy vegetables
  • 3/4 cup vegetable juice
  • 1/2 cup chopped raw vegetables
  • 1 small potato

A serving of Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese is

  • 1 cup (8 ounces) milk or yogurt
  • 1 1/2 ounces cheese
  • 1 cup frozen yogurt
  • 1 cup cottage cheese (equals half a serving)

A serving of Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs and Nuts is

  • 1/2 cup tuna or ground beef
  • 1 small chicken leg or thigh
  • 1 medium pork chop
  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1/4 pound hamburger patty
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup lentils, peas or dry beans
  • 1/2 cup tofu
It is a good exercise to weigh out the correct serving size of the most common foods to familiarize ourselves with what you should we taking.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Fitness Gym (old school)

Here are some pics of the workout equipments that was used in the late 19th century. This exercise machines maybe are the origin of all gym fitness equipments that we used today. Look at the workout attire... stylish, retro, versatile - straight from gym to board meeting and back.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Nobody wants a Bad Breath

When suddenly nobody wants to talk to you, and you don't know why, maybe its your breath because nobody wants to talk to a person with bad breath. Bad breath also known as halitosis, is a periodic or persistent foul or fetid odor exhaled from the mouth.

There dozens of Bad breath causes but here are 6 main causes of Bad breath:

  1. Poor oral hygiene = this is very common to all of us we all know that if we don't brush our teeth we don't just loose our teeth but bad mouth odor also occurs. Without proper brushing and flossing, food particles and plaque build up on the teeth, gum's, tongue, dentures, and other orthodontic appliances (braces, splint, retainer). Bacteria begin to grow and produced bad mouth odors. Bleeding gum's also causes bad breath.
  2. Diet = Drinking alcohol and eating strong-smelling foods, such as garlic, onions, cabbage, and hot and spicy foods can give you bad breath for a day or so after consumption. So with foods high in milk and butterfat. Hunger ca also contribute to bad breath.
  3. Smoking = Smoking is another leading cause of bad breath. Tar and nicotine residues coat the teeth, tongue, and insides of mouth and lungs, making your breath smelly.
  4. Health conditions = Tonsillitis, pneumonia, mouth sore, sinus infection, and even the common cold can also cause bad breath. So can stomach problems and certain medications.
  5. Dry mouth = Due to decreased flow of saliva. This may result from sleeping with your mouth open (morning mouth), talking for a long periods, breathing through your mouth, and medications of medical conditions. Chewing leads to the flow of saliva, which decreases bad breath.
  6. Age = Even with good oral hygiene, the breath of older people may not be pleasant because of changes in the glands that produce saliva.
Here what we can do to fight bad breath, its is generally manageable with our own will of self care, except where there are underlying health problems. The best way to stop bad breath is to step up your oral hygiene regimen. Like our dentist said brush our teeth after every meal and floss daily. See your dentist for an exam or cleaning at least twice a year. If your gum's bleed when you floss or brush, you may have gum disease or gingivitis. If the condition does not improve after three weeks of careful oral hygiene, now is the time to see a dentist. Brush the top of your tongue with a soft toothbrush or tongue cleaner. The tongue, specially the far in the back where it goes down your throat, can have bacteria that can cause bad breath. Studies proved that people who brush the top and back surface of their tongue not only there teeth, have better breath than people people who brush only their teeth. Always clean your dentures and removable orthodontic appliances every night as directed by your dentist. If you smoke stop now, it takes two weeks after you stop smoking before the smell of tobacco is fully out of your system. Always drink plenty of water to avoid a dry mouth. You can also use some saliva substitutes if you have a dry mouth causes of health conditions and medications, ask your dentist for an example. Watch what you ingest, apples, citrus fruits, lettuce and raw vegetables cleanse the teeth. Parsley is a natural breath freshener. Mouth washes, breath mints, and sprays may mask the odor of bad breath temporarily, but they don't get at the source of the problem. Avoid sugary breath mint, which can worsen the bad breath. Bacteria thrive on sugar and can cause dental cavities. And last but not the least just don't skip meals. Chewing promotes saliva flow and detergent action, both of which decrease mouth odor.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A review of Food groups from the Food Pyramid

Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, which contain fiber, vitamins, and other valuable nutrients, can help lower the risk for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain type of cancer. The right eating habits will do more than help you and your family stay healthy, they will in fact, improve your health. But health is only one of the reasons why we should make informed choices when it comes to food. Eating is also one of life's pleasures. There is no reason not to enjoy all kinds of foods, just do not overeat it. The key to healthy eating is balance. Eating a balanced diet means eating a variety of foods that supply the calories and nutrients you need without excess fat, salt, sugar, and alcohol.

Everyday we need more than 50 nutrients from food, including those that supply calories (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) and those that help with various body functions (vitamins, minerals, and water). Despite claims to the contrary, there are no known advantages to consuming large quantities of a specific nutrients or food. Each day, we should eat a variety of foods from each food group to get the nutrients we need.

The Food groups of the Food Pyramid

Bread, Cereal, Rice, and Pasta = this group will give us carbohydrates for energy, as well as B vitamins and iron. Use whole grains, 100 percent whole wheat bread, barley, oats, quinoa, and brown rice to give your meals a boost of fiber. Go easy on the fat and sugars you add on spreads, seasonings, or toppings. A sweet tooth is not a valid excuse to feast on high sugar and high fat goodies, such as cookies and cake.

Fruits and Vegetables = this group provides fiber and vitamins A, C, and E. Choose deeply colored vegetables and fruits like spinach, carrots, peaches, berries, plums, raisins, eggplants, cantaloupes, tomatoes and oranges, watermelons, peppers, to get the most nutrients. Eat at least five servings from a variety of fruits and vegetables each day. Limit fruit juices, they are low in fiber and high in calories. A diet rich in fruits and and vegetables is known to lower the risk for heart disease and stroke, and mat protect against certain forms of cancer.

Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese = Dairy products are great sources of calcium and also provide protein, vitamin A and phosphorus. Fortified milk has vitamin D added to it. Choose non fat or low fat products, such as skim milk, to get nutrients without adding a lit of fat and calories.

Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs and Nuts = this food group provide high quality protein, which contains all the essential amino acids for building body proteins. They are necessary for growth and development of children, and for maintaining body tissues in adults. B complex, iron and zinc. Choose lean cuts of meat. When preparing meat, trim the fat, remove skin from poultry, and drain grease used in cooking.

Fat, Oils, and Sweets = Fat is a essential nutrient, but many foods in this group, including ice cream, butter, gravy, and salad dressing, provide a lot of calories and only little vitamins and minerals. However, they add flavor and variety to our diets. Limit the amount of foods you consume on this group. Spread a smaller amount of butter, margarine, or jelly on bread, use less fat and oil in cooking, when you cook, cut down some of the fats and sugars by reducing the amounts of fat intake at less than 30 percent of your total calories.

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