Saturday, February 4, 2012

Give your Love handles the right form

A large number of people have trouble with "love handles." Far from being lovely or lovable, these are deposits of fat on the sides of one's lower torso, around the external oblique muscles.

Traditional crunches and sit-ups will not do much for this, as they mainly work the abdominal muscles and not the obliques.

The good news, however, is that there are a few stomach exercises which specifically target the obliques, helping to get rid of love handles.

1. Side Bend

A simple exercise, side bends are also probably the most effective method for getting rid of love handles. Start by standing upright. Position your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly. Lower your whole torso to one side, then back to the other. Lean only side to side, not backwards or forwards.

2. Torso Twist

This stomach exercise is also effective at reducing love handles, and is good to do right after the side bends in your routine, as it is also done in a standing position. Again, with feet shoulder width apart, slowly twist the body to one side, then to the other. The key here is to twist from your torso, not from the hips. As much of the twisting work as possible should be done by your oblique muscles, not your hip flexors. Keep your torso upright with no bending.

3. Side Crunch

The next two stomach exercises require you to get off your feet and lie down, preferably on the floor or other flat surface. Use a mat or towel as a cushion if you have a particularly hard floor to work with. Lie down on one side. For simplicity, let us say you are on your right side to start. Bring your right arm across your waist so that your right hand comes to rest on your left side. Touch your ear with the fingertips of your left hand, so that your left elbows winds up pointing straight upward. Lift your shoulders up off the floor while simultaneously raising your left leg to height of about twelve inches (30 cm). Contract your obliques as you do this. Hold for a few seconds, then gently lie back down. Do this for an entire set, then switch to the right side.

4. Seated Knee Drop

First, position yourself on the floor so that you are resting on your hipbones (not sitting on your butt). You can put your hands on the floor behind you to keep yourself stable in this position. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor. Put your ankles together. Now lower your knees to the right. Your feet will roll on to their sides, but should remain on the floor. Continue this lowering move until your knees are about six inches above the floor. Hold for one second, then go back up and down to the left side. Move slowly and under control, using your stomach muscles rather than momentum to raise and lower your legs.

As with any new physical activity, consult a professional before beginning and be sure to properly warm up to avoid injury.

The Right way to Pop your Pimple

Popping pimples is hard to resist, but should you or should you not pop that pimple? Many expects say to never pop a pimple, because it can cause infection and/or acne scars. Well, it definitely depends on the pimple. There are many different types of pimples, such as whiteheads, blackheads, or cysts.
  • Acne Vulgaris: most common type of pimple, which includes whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts.
  • Acne Conglobata: usually found in males and is a severe form of acne vulgaris of blackheads and large lesions.
  • Acne Rosacea: can look similar to acne vulgaris and commonly appears as a red rash and in nose, forehead, cheek, and chin.
  • Acne Fulminans: commonly found in male teens and appearing with severe ulcerating acne.
  • Gram-Negative Folliculitis: this rare condition is a bacterial infection characterized by pustules and cysts, possibly occurring as a complication. And it is not known whether it occurs more in females or males.
  • Pyoderma Faciale: severe acne commonly found only in females, usually between the ages of 20 to 40 years old, and is characterized by painful large nodules, pustules and sores which may leave scarring.
Make sure you are popping a pimple that is a whitehead or blackhead that is ready to pop. Be careful about assessing what type of pimple you have. Seeing a dermatologist can help you characterize the acne. A large red bump could be a cyst and popping one will just make things worse.
Before popping a pimple make sure you and it is ready to be popped. Yes, it is hard to be patient, but patience is a virtue. Wait, until the pimple comes to a head and you can see the white pus. Do not try to pop the pimple when it is red, because you could cause infection. Popping the zit before it is ready will also cause it to look more red and ugly than before.
Popping Pimples Steps
  1. Wash hands and face thoroughly when the pimple is ready. Make sure to wash you face with a gentle soap and pat dry.
  2. Do not use your fingers to pop the pimple. Your fingers contain all kinds of germs and bad oils, even though you just washed them. Instead, use a tissue.
  3. Place the tissue over the pimple and gently squeeze the pimple with your fingers. If the pimple does not pop easily then it is not ready.
  4. Remember the pimple should pop effortlessly, squeezing too hard, may cause an acne scar. Stop trying to pop the pimple and wait until later that day or the next day.
When the pimple is fully ready to be popped, squeeze gently until all of the pus yellow/white fluid comes out. When you see blood stop squeezing and press the tissue against the pimple until it stops bleeding. When it stops bleeding put some acne treatment on the pimple to disinfect and heal it. Popping pimples right can be scary, painful, and addicting so make sure to pop them right.

Introducing Pomegranate a Super Fruit

Why pomegranate is a super fruit? Now some people are are not used to eating this fruit, for some they just haven't tried one. But for those who haven't you have to put this on your grocery list this weekend, your missing a lot!

pomegranate is packed with anti-oxidants, It is very high in Vitamin C, Polyphenols, Ellagic acid and Resveratrol. One thing that make this super fruit a super is the Ellagic Acid, It is a naturally occuring polyphenolic constituent found in fruits and nuts, such as apple, blueberry, walnut and of course pomegranate. It has the ability to inhibit mutations within a cell's DNA.

This means it helps prevents cancer from ever getting started, It is also know as cancer inhibitor, which has the ability to cause apoptosis or normal cell death in cancer cells.And there even studies shows that pomegranate helps lower LDL oxidation as much as 90%, some studies also shows that it also help improves blood flow,

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