- adult preparation of aspirin, ibuprofen, for pain, fever, and swelling.
- paracetamols syrup or drops for pain and fever in children 12 years and below.
- syrup of ipecac for poison emergencies.
- antihistamines for allergies.
- antacids for hyper acidity.
- lozenges for sore throats.
- anti-diarrhea and electrolyte solutions.
- laxatives (especially for the elderly).
- anti-fungal preparations.
- special medications: epinephrine injector for extremely allergic individual, glucose tablets for diabetics, and osteoarthritis creams for the elderly.
- calamine lotion to releive itching due to insect bites.
- antibiotic cream, lotion, spray, or ointment, for minor cuts and scrapes.
- antibiotic soap, for cleaning minor wounds.
- hydro cortisone cream for minor itches and rashes.
- petroleum jelly, alternative treatment for minor cuts.
- sunscreen.
- antiseptics like hydrogen peroxide and isopropyl alcohol.
- diaper cream for babies.
- cotton balls or squares, swabs
- safety pins
- scissors
- tongue depressors
- band aids
- sterile gauze
- adhesive tape
- bandages
- chemical ice pack
- wound closure tapes
- tweezers
- rubber bulb syringe (to clear baby's congested nasal passages)
- flashlight
- thermometer (oral, rectal or ear thermometers)
- lip balm,
- snakebite kit
- back-up supply of a prescription drug (for chronic conditions)
- copy of eyeglass prescription
- a first aid handbook
- emergency phone numbers, Hospitals and others
Nice post..
It's very helpful~♥ I got to know more about how to keep medicines and what to put inside a medicine cabinet..
Thanks for the info~
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