Friday, February 27, 2009

Dealing with Stress in everyday life

Many people deal with stress almost everyday.Some factors that may contribute to stress includes social experiences and financial matters, medical problems, lack of social support, and family problems. The sources of stress can be internal or external. Social and financial problems are common triggers of prolong stress leading to medical problem if left uncontrolled.

Anything that provoke stress are called stressors. Our body responds to stressors by activating the nervous system and specific hormones. It signals the adrenal glands to produce more of the hormones and release them into the bloodstream. These hormones speed up heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and metabolism. Blood vessels open wider to let more blood flow to large muscle groups, putting our muscles on alert. Pupils dilate to improve vision. The liver releases some of its stored glucose to increase our body's energy. And perspiration is produced to cool our body. All of these physical changes prepare us to react quickly and effectively to handle the pressure of the moment.

This natural reaction is known as the stress response. Working properly, our body's stress response enhances our ability to perform well under pressure. But the stress response can cause problem when it overreacts or fails to turn off and reset itself properly. This results in harmful effects on our body.

It is important to know that everyone reacts to stress differently and can withstand different levels of stress. Only you can assess your level of tolerance to stressful situations.

Stress usually first affects the inner emotions and hence our feelings. These emotional states can then begin to affect a person's outward appearance. As the stress level increases, or if it lasts over a longer period of time, a person may begin to feel more severe emotional or physical effects. In most cases, these symptoms are very minor and don't last very long. If they become more severe or increase in frequency and severity, you may need to seek medical help.
Individuals suffering from stress overload will likely display one or more of the following signs listed below.

or Sadness
Drinking too much, smoking, overeating, or doing drugs
Problem falling asleep
Allergic reactions, such as eczema or asthma
Physical symptoms, such as stomach problems, headaches, or even chest pain
Irritability and moodiness
A feeling of being constantly pressured, hassled, and hurried
Anxiety or panic attacks

The most helpful method for us to deal with stress is to learn how to manage the stress that comes along with any new challenge, good or bad. Here are some ways to keep stress under control:

Solve your problems, break problems into manageable and achievable parts.
Share your thoughts with others, build strong relationships and develop a support system
Be positive in your thinking and outlook
Treat your body well, exercise regularly and fun
Learn to manage time and anger
Learn to relax (breathing exercise, listen to soothing music, etc)
Rest well and have sufficient sleep
Be realistic, accept that no one is perfect and set appropriate goals / limits for yourself
Take control of your busy schedule

You should call your doctor when you are unable to identify the source of your stress or anxiety and if the condition continues or comes and goes. You should immediately seek help should you have any of the following symptoms:

Headaches unlike your usual headaches
Fluttering or rapid heart beats
Chest pain or discomfort
Thoughts about harming others
Thoughts about harming yourself
Any other condition that you feel may result in serious harm if not treated immediately.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Increase Bone thickness to treat Osteoporosis

There is no complete cure for Osteoporosis, but some supplements and medicine can increase bone thickness and reduce fracture risk. You can to first to your doctor before you decide which one to try.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) = Is a long established treatment for osteoporosis in with women with low estrogen levels (usually due to menopause). HRT increases the bone density and reduces fracture rates. However, it also increases the risk of blood clots, some cancers, heart attacks and strokes in older postmenopausal women. As such, HRT use is not widely used for osteoporosis, but it may be used for short-term treatment of menopausal symptoms in early menopause. Men with low testosterone levels may benefit from testosterone replacement.

Bisphosphonates = Are bone specific medicines that increase bone density and reduce fractures. They are the currently the preferred treatment for Osteoporosis. It is important take the tablets as advised: on an empty stomach with plenty of water (not tea, coffee, or juice), remain upright, and not taking other foods or medications for half an hour to avoid possible indigestion.

Calcitriol = is also a form of Vitamin D that helps the body absorb calcium and incorporate it into the bone. Supervision by a doctor is needed as it can raise calcium too much.

Vitamin D = or calciferol supplementation can correct vitamin D deficiency, which is common in older people who are seldom outdoors. Vitamin D helps you absorb the calcium in your diet and your bones utilize it.

Calcium = supplementation of calcuim, typically 1,000 mg daily can slow bone loss but does not usually stop it completely. A 250 ml glass of milk contains about 300 mg calcium, aim for a low fat dairy. Some people may find taking calcuim tablets easier than having four dairy portions a day.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Diabetic: Know the glycemic index of the food you eat (blood sugar)

Many still thinks that table sugar or anything with it, for example soft drinks is the worst kind of food for diabetic person. There are, however others as bad or worse than table sugar. I was surprised when the doctor of my uncle (who is diagnose with diabetes) said that watermelon is one such example watermelon is my favorite fruit I'm glad that I don't have diabetes, I can eat all watermelon I like.

The doctor also said that what is important is to adjust the diet of a diabetic person to mange the weight because there is a close relationship between the incidence of diabetes and greater body weight. The doctor also said that diabetic people has to look closely at the glycemic index (GI) of the carbohydrates in the food they eat. It is important for people who are diabetic, to keep the blood sugar under control. The glycemic index of food in each 50g of carbohydrates is a measure of the food's ability to elevate blood sugar in the two or three hours after eating. Some are broken down more quickly in the intestine than the others, causing the blood sugar level to rise rapidly, and sometimes to dangerous levels. These carbohydrates have a high GI. Carbohydrates that are low in GI enter the bloodstream slowly and are the preferred type. They provide sustained energy and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. However he also said that do not eat this food too much, too much of anything is unhealthy. Eating an excess low GI food could cause an increase in body weight. Also stick to a low fat diet and exercise regularly.

Below are list of foods categorized according to glycemic index (GI):

Foods High in GI

white rice
white bread
cooked carrots
cane maple and corn syrup
baked potato

Foods with Moderate GI

whole wheat bread
apple juices
sweet potato
brown rice
orange and orange juices

Foods with Low GI

kidney beans
green peas
milk and milk products

Monday, February 16, 2009

Is Alzheimer following me???

I lost my car keys for the fourth time this week, oh my God is this the sign of Alzheimer? I hope not, unless I can't remember how to start a car. I said to myself "don't panic:. I just put it in a simple perspective, Life is jam packed with every day's work, problem and others that pollute my mind sometimes, making it tricky for my overload brain to to access every stored facts on command.The chance of developing it is under the age of 50 is less than1 percent. I'm only 25 years old so as far as I know I'm far from it and I have still some time to enhance my brain and make it as sharp as possible, for me to prevent it. I have posted in the past some natural way to enhance memory in my blog

OK so I might develop Alzheimer's in my golden years, about 10 to 15 percent of people in their 70's do, and the odds rise to about by 50 percent by the time we hit 80 (I don't want to see myself aged 80 whew!). But the good thing is we can decrease the risk of having Alzheimer's, even if the disease is running in your family (good thing my don't have a history of Alzheimer) Some says Aerobic exercise lowers the risk of having Alzheimer's by stimulating blood flow and oxygenating the brain. And I always remember that time is on my side. Although there are drugs on the market that may help slow don or halt Alzheimer progression and there are still some developing meds for Alzheimer. When that happens Alzheimer will become manageable like high blood pressure. But for me natural way is still the key to stop Alzheimer. Living a Natural way can help us do that.

Related post:
Alzheimer Brain drain and Risk factors
Natural Memory enhancer techniques

Friday, February 13, 2009

How Sleep affects Our Health

People in the provinces are said to live longer than people in the city. Socio-economic and cultural factors aside, some theories credit the health advantages of a rural lifestyle, less stressful. Others say it's the food, home cooked vegetables, fish and meat, fresh from the backyard, market, or sea. Bot don't ignore one other aspect, sleep. Rural people normally get a full eight hour of sleep every night. Sleep affects various aspects of our health, including:
  • Cognitive performance - Sleep helps organize memories, solidify learning, and improve concentration. Lack of sleep impairs alertness and affects judgment, reaction time, and recall.
  • Mood and mental well being - Lack of sleep has been linked to anger, anxiety, sadness, and mental exhaustion.
  • Hormones and metabolism - Important hormones are secreted based on person's sleep pattern. These hormones are affects growth, regulate energy and control metabolic and endocrine functions.
Inadequate sleep may also contribute to the development of obesity and and diabetes. It cause a decline in the body's supply of the growth hormone, allowing more fat than muscle to develop. It impairs our body's ability to metabolize sugar, making us more prone to getting diabetes. It may also increase our risk for hypertension and heart disease and cause a breakdown of our immune system.

Related Post:
What's your Insomniac sign?
Style of eating can assault our sleep
Cant Sleep?
Lack of sleep means getting fat and ugly
13 tips for goodnight sleep
8 tips on how to prevent snoring

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Weight loss tips for people with different lifestyle

Weight loss tips are not a one size fits all, maybe my plan of weight loss or diet plan will not helped other person and his/her kind of plan will not benefit me and my kind of lifestyle. I could lose 20 pounds on this kind of workout but my friend gain more in this kind of workout. I diet or workout plan will only work for us easily if rhymes with our lifestyle. Everything from on how you exercise and how many times, the way we eat, what time we eat, weights, cardio, and others. Here are tips that maybe can help you maximize your weight loss or diet plan depending on your life style.

  • Do a 3 meals a day period if you think half a cup of cereal is a laughably small serving size. Cutting out snacks is an easy way to regulate your daily calorie intake, and allows you to have alarger meals.
  • Do a All day eating, if you always feel hungry if you haven't eat in an hour. When your body thinks it's starving, it stores calories. Doiling them out in five to six small, healthy meals evens out your blood sugar and cranks metabolism.
  • Try a Dinning Solo, if you easily lose track of how many house specialty you've had. You'll eat less when you pay attention to how much foods is on your plate and you won't feel pressured to order dessert.
  • Try a Social eating, if you have friends who are healthy eater or on a diets of their own. You'll be more mindful of what you eat when you have a supportive audience.
  • Do an early dinner, if you like to veg out in the couch after quitting time, It's better not to pile on calories when you wont have a chance to burn them off.
  • Do an late night eat if you are a night owl at the gym or can't find the time to eat before 7, If you haven't filled up with a day's worth of calories beforehand, it doesn't matter what time you eat.
  • Do a high-carb low-fat diet if you exercise four times a week or are prone to heart disease. You need whole grains fruits, and veggies to fuel your gym time and limiting saturated and trans fats will help safeguard your heart.
  • Do a high-protein low-carb diet if you want to knock off pounds quickly but don't love to go to the gym. Cutting carbs and upping protein in your diet helps you lose weight fast and keeps you fuller longer.
  • Do Cardio if you need to slim down for your next months beach party. In the short term, Running or other cardio stuff burns more calories than lifting weights, so you'll lose weight faster.
  • Do some Weights if you wanting big, lasting weight loss or need to break a plateu. Adding to your muscle mass take time, but it will up the number of calories your body burns even if you're not working out.
Plan your workout or diet by knowing what kind of lifestyle you have. Good luck!

Recent Related Post: Finish your workout the right way

Friday, February 6, 2009

Want to get Pregnant Naturally?

One of the biggest news today is the birth of the octuplet,'s, from a mom named Nadya Suleman from California. Many wonder how they do it? It's unbelievable. Many couples can make a baby like almost every year but others couples can't. Here are tips to get pregnant naturally. maybe this tips can help couples who want's to have a baby even if its just one baby.

  • Make love often during your fertile period (the five days loading up to ovulation). Keep in mind that baby making is a numbers game. Even if you do everything right you still have only 20 t0 30 percent chance of conceiving in any given cycle. If you got the stamina to make love at least every 48 hours, you will ensure that there's are fresh shipment of sperm waiting in the falopian tube at any given time.
  • Don't hop up and run to the bathroom right after you make love lying down for at least five minutes after intercourse increases the odds that the sperm will be able to meet up awaiting egg to the all important event of fertilization.
  • If you haven't stopped smoking do it now. Studies have shown that smoking just 10 cigarettes a day reduces woman's chances of conceiving by 50 percent.
  • Ease up on coffee switch to decaf or give it up (sorry Starbucks) altogether. Caffeine is thought to restrict the growth of a developing baby by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow to the uterus. Another studies shown that excessive consumption of caffeine ( means more than 3 cups per day) mat contribute to fertility problems.
  • Does your partner like to spend hours on the exercise bike at the gym? Tell him to do the treadmill instead. Some studies revealed that men who cycle more than 100 km per week put their fertility at risk. The repeated banging of the groin against the bicycle seat can damage critical arteries and nerves.
  • Don't go on a crash diet, or starvation diets cause it can also affect your ovulation and fertility.
If you have tried all these but still having difficulties conceiving, don't be despair. Consult with your doctor and remember that you still have a lot of options to be consider.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Healthy Cooking Oils to Choose from

Olive oil from Imperia in Liguria, Italy.Image via Wikipedia

Some Oils for cooking are good enough than solid fats like lard and butter because they are lower in saturated fats and good source of antioxidants. Besides the health benefits of this oils, there are also two big factors to come into play and that's flavor and smoke point. You have to choose the right oil for the job.

Rice Bran Oil = Neutral flavor wont hijack foods natural taste. Super high smoke point (490F) permits deep frying without turning your kitchen ceiling black. It contains tocoherol, oryzanol, and tocotrienol three Vitamin E related antioxidants that have been shown to inhibit both skin and breast cancer cells. Best for deep frying and stir frying.

Extra virgin Oil = "Extra virgin" means olives have gone through the press only once (versus at least twice for the regular kind), so the oil retains more of the fruits deep, earthy taste ideal for bread and pasta. Minimal processing may allow more of the olive's anti-oxidants, including heart protecting polyphenols, to make it to your table. Best for Dipping bread and Coating pasta.

Grapes seed Oil = Light, mild, fruity flavor adds a little zing. High smoke point (400F) is perfect for the frying pan. A good source of Vitamin E, betacarotene, and sterols, which block the absorption of cholesterol. Best for pan frying.

Flaxseed Oil = Mild, nutty flaxseed oil enhances but doesn't bulldoze fresh vegetables and greens. A good source of ALA an omega 3 fatty acid that benefits herat health. Best for Salad dressing.

Canola Oil = Light flavor is undetectable in baked goods. High smoke point (460F) can withstand a hotter than hell oven. Very low on saturated fats also good source of ALA. Best for baking and broiling.

Olive Oil = Heat kill's extra virgins rich flavor, so basic olive oil (sometimes labeled as "pure") does the trick for cooking. (You'll burn a lot less cash too a gallon of extra virgin costs almost twice as much.). Medium smoke point (375F) meas worry free sauteing a grilling. Thick consistency allows seasoning to stick to meats and vegetables. Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, such as oleuropein, which help prevent LDL or bad cholesterol from clogging your arteries. Best for sauteing, grilling and for pasta sauce.

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